Ultralights Photometric Data (IES) Files Infographic

Ultralights Photometric Data (IES) Files Infographic


•  Featured:  Tambour 13221 shown in Satin Pewter / Opal
•  Based on Opal Acrylic
•  Applicable for alternate Pendants

Files available upon request: [email protected]
Call with any questions: 520-623-9829



The lighting industry continues to become more and more technical and as such, decorative lighting manufacturers are getting requests for photometric data (IES) files for their products. It is Ultralights' mission to keep at the forefront of lighting technology by researching and implementing the most energy efficient LED technology.

Ultralights Lighting caters to the commercial design and hospitality design industries, to name a few. In doing so, we get to work with the top lighting designers and engineers on projects across the United States and world. Time and time again, we get requests for IES files for our products. Being a decorative lighting manufacturer, this is where things get complicated. However, we have come up with a solution for the technical side of projects. This infographic represents that solution. 

If you have questions about how our IES files are applicable to your next project, call us at 520-623-9829 or email Chris at [email protected].

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